2018 RIDGE DECEMBER FORUM Montevideo, Uruguay / December 7-8, 2018
Scientific Committee
Luis Bértola
(Universidad de la República, Uruguay)
José Antonio Ocampo
(Banco de la República de Colombia)
Felipe Valencia
(University of British Columbia)
Invited Keynote speaker
Joel Mokyr
(Northwestern University, Chicago)
The Research Institute for Development, Growth, and Economics (RIDGE) is pleased to announce a call for papers for the Workshop on Economic History to be held in Montevideo, Uruguay, on 7-8 December 2018. The workshop is organized together with the 6th Southern Hemisphere Summer School in Economic History, organized by the Economic and Social History Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad de la República.
RIDGE invites to send papers to this economic history workshop on all subjects of economic history provided they are particularly concerned with developing regions.
The 2018 workshop will take place within the framework of the 2018 RIDGE December Forum along with the following workshops:
·Trade and Firm Dynamics / Growth and Development, December 12-14 (Montevideo, Uruguay)
·Financial Stability, December 4-5 (Montevideo, Uruguay)
·International Macro, December 6-7 (Montevideo, Uruguay)
·Economic History, December 7-8 (Montevideo, Uruguay)
·Environmental Economics 10-11 (Montevideo, Uruguay)
·Macroeconomics, December 13-14 (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
The RIDGE forums aim at the spreading of high-quality research in economics by bringing together prestigious researchers working on the frontier of knowledge to local and regional researchers and policymakers.
Participants in this workshop are welcome to attend the other workshops.
Paper Submission
Full papers, written in English, must be submitted for consideration for the workshop via de RIDGE website:
Each author can submit and present at most one paper per workshop (submission of papers to other workshops is possible).
Important Dates
Deadline for paper submission: September 28, 2018 (12 AM ET)
Notification of organizers decision: October 12, 2018
Further Information
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